Automatic bank transfer is an easy way to make and track your pledge payment and assure a regular flow of income to the fellowship. To set this up, go to our secure online site at
https://uufplattsburgh.breezechms.com/give/online or contact your bank.
Note that arrangements for recurring pledge payments made on our donation page (not on this page) begin as soon as you sign up, possibly before January, 2025. If you want your recurring pledge to begin in January, please tell us this in the section marked "Other", and we'll recontact you in the new year to set it up online.** Credit card payments may also be made online at
https://uufplattsburgh.breezechms.com/give/online. Your information will remain private and secure.
*** PayPal payments may also be made online at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=FZER9M5Q7YPKS&source=url&ssrt=1684340583684. Your information will remain private and secure.Note: To set up pledge payments online, please choose "2025 Annual Giving" from the drop-down menu.
We understand that sometimes financial situations change. If you have questions or wish to change your pledge, please contact us at treasurer@uuplattsburgh.org.
Thank you for your contribution!